The Liebster Award: My Blog Was Nominated

July 23, 2017
I am excited to let you know that my blog has been nominated for the Liebster Award - my very first blog award. The nomination was done few days before my blog became a year old by darling Nicole Anderson. There is this feeling of joy when you're recognised for something you're doing, many thanks to her.

What is Liebster award?
In case you don't know what the Liebster award is about - it is an online recognition in form of a virtual award that started in 2011 and is passed on by bloggers to fellow bloggers as a show of support and for enjoying or valuing their work. Once a blog is nominated, the blogger is asked to answer 11 questions provided by the nominating blogger.  They are then expected to nominate 11 other favorite new bloggers and come up with a list of 11 new questions for those nominees. And this keeps the love going!

The rules that apply when you are nominated for and you've accepted the Liebster award are:
- Thank the blog who nominated you and link back to them.
- Nominate up to 11 other bloggers to receive the coveted award
- Answer 11 questions from the blog who nominated you
- Tell your readers 11 random facts about yourself
- Give your nominees 11 questions to post on their blog when they post their nomination.

So to start let me recognize and thank the blog who nominated me.

Camping for Women

Camping for Women is still a relatively new blog with a big vision to publish works from outdoor women adventurers around the world to benefit women who have a genuine love of nature.  Founder Nicole Anderson works with contributors across 8 of the globe’s major regions to build and develop a central hub of information, resources, articles, and videos to maximise women’s enjoyment of the great outdoors everywhere.  The rate of growth and popularity of this site continues at an impressive rate and we are excited to have been nominated by them.

Answers to Nicole's questions

Q. What inspired you to start your blog?
I started my blog because a friend's brother advised I should as a way to promote my graphic designs. But I couldn't keep up with it so I decided to switch to a Personal and Lifestyle blog because of my love for writing which I started way back in high school. I remember writing stories back then in high school which only my mates used to read but now blogging has helped to improve my writing skills.

Q. What do you like to do in the great outdoors?
I wouldn't say I'm much of an outdoor person but I know I like to ride bikes in the outdoor.

Q. What famous person (past or present) would you like to have dinner with?
Fortunately the person I would love to have dinner with is still alive. She is a Nigerian writer of short stories, novels and non-fiction. She is a feminist. She is Chimamanda Adichie. I love her works.

Q. What is your favourite past-time or hobby?
Apart from blogging and graphic designing , another thing I do as a hobby and to pass time is playing of mobile games. It helps me to think better, unwind and relax.

Q. Where would you most like to visit in the world?
I'm not much of a traveller so there are fun places I haven't really been to, which means that if I wants to list them, it will be enough for me to hit my new post button but I'll list just the places here in Nigeria:
• Obudu Cattle ranch in Calabar
• Yankari Games Reserve
• Tinapa resort in Calabar
• Wonderland amusement park

Q. What is your most favourite childhood memory?
When I was around 7 or 8, I learnt how to ride a bike. I was been taught by my cousin, I remember when I noticed she had left the bike and I was still riding I was overjoyed then I fell but the wound wasn't painful because I was happy I could.

Q. Is there a particular skill you would really like to have?
I know very little about programming because of blogging, I would really love to have a wider knowledge about the skills so I could create my own apps and design more beautiful sites.

Q. How are you the most creative in what you do?
I write mostly from my experiences so I create my own content

Q. What do you see eventually happening for your blog?
I see my blog becoming a voice of inspiration to many, reaching out to people out there and being educative at the same time.

 Random facts about Maryanne
1. My nickname is Annie Tee, I mentioned that in this post
2. I usually have stage fright so I hate speaking in public I prefer to write
3. You may likely not see me at that much-talked-about party or social event cause I'm an introvert
4. I have never traveled on a plane before, still dreaming about that
5. I don't know to swim. That's probably because I'm scared of large water bodies
6. I love dogs
7. My favourite colours are pink and cyan
8. My favourite number is 8
9. prefer to have a select group of really close friends I can get to know on a deeper level
10. I am a terrible dancer
11. When I get to a place newly, I usually try to observe everyone around in order to know who to get close to and those to avoid.

I nominate the following blogs for the Liebster award
• Chioma from The Exemplary
• Chelsea from Skills hub
• Zam Zam from Zan Inspired
• Maria from Pami Lifestyle
Hajira from Hajira Khan
• Adi from Fashion Sensibilities
Joan from Cheerful Spirit
• Shaira from Capturing Every Moment
• Marjorie from Little MsPrinter
• Saidy from Simply Saidy

Questions for my Nominees
1. Why did you start blogging?
2. What is the best movie/book you've seen or read?
3. Three things you can't live without
4. Where was the first country you traveled to?
5. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
6. What is your favourite inspirational quote(s)?
7. What is the best travel moment you've had so far?
8. What advice would you give to new bloggers?
9. What do you enjoy writing about?
10. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
11. What are you expecting to accomplish through your blog?

Looking forward to everyones' answers


  1. Wow! I'm speechless 😐 but so ecstatic! Never expected my blog will be recognized at this early. You motivated me to keep pushing for more haha 😂 Thank you sooo much Maryanne! More power to you sweet lady 😘✨


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