This Is Not True, Right?

November 30, 2016

Can someone just explain what is going on in this country cause I'm not sure I understand anymore. How did they actually come to this decision or is it a way of reducing the number of social media users since the plan to pass a social media bill didn't work?

I spend a lot of time on the internet, either am blogging, sourcing for information, finding out more information on what I don't know, reaching out to people I have not or may not see in a long while on Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter or Instagram, learning how to design a website or practicing tutorials on Photoshop everyday.

I can understand and adjust to the prices of things getting higher than normal but I don't know how I'm going to adjust to buying 1.5Gb with 3k instead of 3.2Gb with just 1k on Glo, practically this is suicidal. Like I live on the internet and have been doing it effectively, if this actually happen then I'll have to shut down this blog cause 3K can buy me a textbook rather than getting 1.5Gb for a month.

God help Nigerian internet users😢

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